Delivery Timeline:
Due to high volume of orders, order dispatch will take upto 48 hours once the order is confirmed and expected delivery will be within 7 - 10 working days from the day of dispatch.
How to initiate a return, refund, or replacement request:
Please inspect your order as soon as you receive it. If you find there is a manufacturing defect or there are incorrect or missing items from your order, contact us within 72 hours of receiving it with photos and videos. We will evaluate the issue and help you out promptly. Email us at or call us on +91 6381773133.
Our address is: A Toddler Thing, D.No 5A, Gandhi Nagar, Kavundampalayam, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, 641030, India.
Returns, Refunds, or Replacement on prepaid orders:
- Order cancellation/refund is allowed before dispatch only if the order is not dispatched within 5 working days. Refund will be issued automatically and the payment will take 15 days to reflect in the account.
- Shipping fee is non-refundable
- All exchange and replacement requests are subject to our approval of your request and stock availability.
- No refunds and replacements will be considered for international orders placed outside India.
- The customs duty for shipping for all international orders is to be borne by the customer.
- We accept return/refund or replacement requests only if the original invoice and packaging are retained. Product has to be unused.
- We do not accept return or refund requests on any sale or clearance items.
- While our products are based on standardised sizes, these are not one-size-fits-all. We request you to double-check sizing by measuring your little one for a perfect fit before you place an order.
A delivery fee is applicable on every prepaid order placed within India with a value below INR 1,000. No delivery fee is applicable on any order value above INR 1,000 within India.
- We offer express delivery at an additional fee on prepaid orders within India.
Shipping, Returns/Refunds, or Replacements on Cash-on-Delivery (COD) orders:
- A delivery fee of INR 75 is applicable on every Cash-on-Delivery (COD) order. This delivery fee is non-refundable.
- For refunds on COD orders kindly share your bank account details for us to transfer
- We do not offer express shipping on any Cash-on-Delivery (COD) orders
We appreciate your trust in A Toddler Thing. We’re here to serve you. If you encounter any issues or have questions about our returns/refunds, or replacements policy, please contact us. We promise to help you!