7 Must-Have Sustainable Baby Products For Eco-Conscious Parents
7 Must-Have Sustainable Baby Products For Eco-Conscious Parents
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As parents, we are all conscious about our little ones – we pay attention to everything associated with them. We want to choose only the best products; we want to make the most informed decisions and we want our babies to grow up to become wonderful and successful human beings. 

But during all this, do we really pay attention to picking and choosing sustainable baby products or making choices that will affect the future of the planet? 

While our efforts might be towards our baby, we do need to make efforts to leave a planet for them too! And it is actually a lot easier than most of us think. All we need to do is make some conscious choices, pick eco friendly baby products and perhaps shop a little more at A Toddler Thing! 

At A Toddler Thing, we have two commitments – one is to your little ones, because we want to make sure that they are always comfortable, always protected and always happy. Our second commitment lies to our planet, which is why we make products that are not only baby friendly, but also planet friendly! 

Whether you are a new parent or are just new to our store, we have curated a list of 7 must haves that are not only sustainable, but also better for your baby! 

Top 7 must have sustainable or green baby products

When we say, we don’t mean the colour green – we mean more on the lines of products that are friendly to the environment, while being the better choice for your little one too. 

    1. Diapers and Nappies – Let’s start with the most obvious product in a list of baby essentials! How does one do away with diapers and nappies? You don’t, but you can most certainly make the switch from the regular use and throw versions and opt for reusable diapers and nappies. At A Toddler Thing, you will be able to choose from a range of washable and reusable diapers and nappies that can be used for several months with ease. As a matter of fact, at our store, you will even find undies that are perfect for those potty-training days – working almost like diapers (it can hold up to 2 pees without leaking), these too are machine or hand washable and can be used several times before they are completely worn out. 
    2. Clothing choices – We want our little ones to look cute at all times and we also want to ensure that they are always super comfortable. But how many of us actually pay attention to the fabrics with which these clothes are made? When you are looking to find the most eco friendly baby clothes, step one needs to be focusing on the fabric. Either choose pure organic cotton clothes or even better would be muslin, because it is much softer on the skin and the more sustainable choice too. At A Toddler Thing, you will be able to pick and choose from so many adorable looking organic muslin baby clothes, which your little ones will love wearing! 
    3. Swaddles – It might seem like the prudent choice to invest in a high-end swaddle cloth for your baby that has been made using some fancy fabric; but did you know that there is no fabric more gentle on baby skin and more eco-friendly than muslin? Not only is it one of the softest, but is also extremely breathable, which means that your baby can have the best sleep, every single night. When you choose organic cotton swaddles, like the ones you can find on our site, you are saying no to all those artificial non-sustainable fabrics out there! And once your baby has outgrown the swaddle stage, you can reuse them as playmats or even covers for the baby stroller. 
    4. Thottils – There is a reason why in the olden days, babies would be laid down to sleep in traditional thottils or swings made using cloth. The cloth, normally used would be a dhoti or a saree that would have been washed several times and would be extremely soft on the baby’s skin. Over time, plastic and polyester blends started appearing on swings and cradles for babies, which might have looked really nice, but were not that nice for the baby or environment. Perhaps a good time to go back to pure cotton, skin safe and breathable  thottils once again? 
  • Reusable baby wipes – How many times have we used those pleasant-smelling disposable wet wipes and then thrown them away? Most of us would have been guilty of the same at some point in our lives, but did you know that the chemical fragrance in these wipes could leave your baby’s skin dry and susceptible to rashes? And then there is the fact that most of these wipes are not biodegradable and will eventually end up in some landfill. The simplest switch is to reusable baby wipes – we offer chemical free baby products, including cotton wipes, which are easy to use and easy to wash! 
  • Toys – As your baby grows, he or she is bound to need toys and while there is plenty to choose from these days, this is yet another place where you need to make wise choices. Rather than picking that fancy looking toy made with plastic and a rainbow of artificial colours, you might want to consider more natural toys for babies. Whether you pick wooden toys or cloth toys, you can be sure that these will last a long time and even when you eventually throw them away, they will not harm the planet. 
  • Feeding products – The one mistake that most new parents make is using plastic dishes and spoons for the babies, mainly because they feel that these are non-breakable, often come in bright colour and the moulded versions will not have any sharp edges. However, when you make the switch to steel or silver utensils, wooden bowls and so on, you are making the smarter choice. Choosing eco friendly baby feeding products means that you are ensuring that your little one is not ingesting any harmful chemicals and you are not adding to the piles of non-biodegradable products either! You can even choose to feed sustainably by giving your baby home cooked meals, prepared using organic fruits and vegetables.  
  • Green parenting goes beyond just buying organic baby products; it is about bringing about sustainable and systemic changes in your thought and style of living. At A Toddler Thing we will be your guides and your friends – we will help you make wiser choices and better decisions and bring to you, products that are just right!